Site moved

FYI – If you’re still following this site at the old address (, I’ve moved my conversation over to 

I’ll also soon be switching this to a different address – probably in case you’re still looking for content on here.




Producing By Hand (and other ways not to pray …)

Disciples pray a lot — but not often in a structured, prompted way. Episcopalians, however, love their structure. They created the Book of Common Prayer.  They love the script; they love letting their souls assent to the written words. They put the prayers into their own voice. So in May my co-teachers and I led […]


A Call to Place – Food

I’m at the Disciples Youth Ministry Network (DYMN) 2012 Retreat this week in Oracle, Arizona. After meeting some friends at the airport, they asked what I wanted for lunch.  “Anything I can’t get in my suburb of Chicago!”  So one of my friends called up his mother-in-law (a local) and we found El Charro in […]


On Software Developer Limits

As a matter of fact, if you try to launch an unsigned or unvalidatable app on a Mac with Gatekeeper enabled, the default button is “Move To Trash”. Pretty hardcore. Kind of awesome. Panic, the developer of my favorite code editor on Mac, wrote a great review of the need for the recently announced Gatekeeper feature, which […]


Back from flickr

The usage statistics for last month showed people going back to my article on why Flickr was better than Picasa Web Albums.  I feel I should set the record straight: I’m back on Picasa, 99%.   Picasa Web Albums, now known as the photo section of Google+, have fixed most of the “sharing” features I […]


On Creative Ruts

Last November I was in a creative rut. Lots of maintenance work for my jobs, little “new stuff” =(‘ed) the time for pushing myself a little. So at the Deacon ordination of one of my seminary friends, I decided going into it, to photograph as if I would convert the whole album to black and […]


Technological Evolutions I’m eagerly awaiting …

I have a love/hate relationship with technology.  Printers – it’s mostly hate.  Mobile internet – it’s a mix.  User interface cleverness – it’s mostly love. Here’re six things I’m waiting on for technology:  (I’ll cross-out these as they develop) Region-free iTunes purchasing agreements.  Ordering UK albums shouldn’t be so difficult for American consumers.  Thankfully, there’s […]


On vacation

It is common today to locate one’s “true self” in one’s leisure choices.  Accordingly, good work is taken to be work that maximizes one’s means for pursuing these other activities, where life becomes meaningful.  The mortgage broker works hard all year, then he goes and climbs Mount Everest.  The exaggerated psychic content of his summer […]


On Pricing

I think we’ll always be willing to pay extra for the benefits we get from getting something first, getting it curated or getting it customized. But for most of what gets purchased in pop culture, none of those three are at work.  – Seth Godin


So about Santa Fe …

If you didn’t know, Arizona is pretty much on fire. The week we were in Santa Fe wasn’t “horrible,” but it wasn’t the normal scenic lusciousness either. The crystal-clear mountains were murky. The air was cough-able. Here’re the pictures from the first day of our trip: Heidi and I didn’t realize how much the smoke […]
