On Creative Ruts

Last November I was in a creative rut. Lots of maintenance work for my jobs, little “new stuff” =(‘ed) the time for pushing myself a little.

So at the Deacon ordination of one of my seminary friends, I decided going into it, to photograph as if I would convert the whole album to black and white. Exposure was different, color saturation didn’t matter; and, in the end, I pushed through. Limiting myself with that constraint completely unleashed the creativity.  Limits are good.  :)

And the ordination service was extra special as Ian Gerdon, also a friend from the Disciples House, left his wife and newborn son in South Bend and came to Ben’s ordination. It was an unexpected (but expectedly awesome) reunion for many of us!

While black and white photography may be “natural”, there’s certainly a case to make for HDR photos that are still creative and more realistic (even if being more manufactured).

Here’re some HDR blends I took at my parents’ house in November 2011:

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