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Back from flickr

The usage statistics for last month showed people going back to my article on why Flickr was better than Picasa Web Albums.  I feel I should set the record straight:

I’m back on Picasa, 99%.   Picasa Web Albums, now known as the photo section of Google+, have fixed most of the “sharing” features I decried (it’s now the CORE of the social network).  They’ve also taken care of the organizational aspects.  No longer am I stuck with a one-off app that does photo uploading at a throttled speed. Google+’s photo section now uses a gorgeous AJAX-based photo uploader that is the promised simplicity of drag-n-drop.

There’s still a couple of things that would seal-the-deal for Picasa Web Albums Google+:

  • Enable the oEmbed functionality that Flickr and YouTube have.  Being able to post a link to the album in a blog and have it automatically embed the slideshow / gallery view would be appreciated.
  • Give an option for Downloading Full Album.  Right now I post the higher-res versions of photos to my Amazon S3 account and send a link manually.  Giving a Download All option in Google+ like you used to have in Picasa Web Albums would also clear that issue.
  • Prepare for Apple TV.  I realize this is probably a port Apple made on their end with the iOS version of Apple TV … but flickr has a section, why can’t I see my Google+ photos as my screensaver rather than my flickr photos?  Do that, and I’m yours … 100%.

People have asked me, “why flickr?” or “why Google+?”  “Why not Facebook?”  While Facebook has more of my friends than any other network — Picasa reached me first.  When I was studying abroad in Italy during college, Picasa was there, ready to share my photos with my friends / family back in the USA.  Once I had over 30 albums in Picasa, the conversion hurdle became too great.

In the end, all of those photos I’d migrated over to flickr … I stayed with my Google+ and in one click, I was back to the beginning.

Ping me (ask me) if you have questions or need advice for your church’s image hosting setup.

On Creative Ruts

Last November I was in a creative rut. Lots of maintenance work for my jobs, little “new stuff” =(‘ed) the time for pushing myself a little.

So at the Deacon ordination of one of my seminary friends, I decided going into it, to photograph as if I would convert the whole album to black and white. Exposure was different, color saturation didn’t matter; and, in the end, I pushed through. Limiting myself with that constraint completely unleashed the creativity.  Limits are good.  :)

And the ordination service was extra special as Ian Gerdon, also a friend from the Disciples House, left his wife and newborn son in South Bend and came to Ben’s ordination. It was an unexpected (but expectedly awesome) reunion for many of us!

While black and white photography may be “natural”, there’s certainly a case to make for HDR photos that are still creative and more realistic (even if being more manufactured).

Here’re some HDR blends I took at my parents’ house in November 2011:

Technological Evolutions I’m eagerly awaiting …

I have a love/hate relationship with technology.  Printers – it’s mostly hate.  Mobile internet – it’s a mix.  User interface cleverness – it’s mostly love.

Here’re six things I’m waiting on for technology:  (I’ll cross-out these as they develop)

  • Region-free iTunes purchasing agreements.  Ordering UK albums shouldn’t be so difficult for American consumers.  Thankfully, there’s always , where I got the Downton Abbey soundtrack.
  • Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited on the iPad.  I’m a sucker for good plot … ‘nough said.
  • Communication Arts as either a periodical or app with in-app purchases on iPad.
  • WordPress meta-support for taxonomies as there is for post types.  For the non-geeks, this isn’t a big issue.  But I’m ready for my wp_ update functions on taxonomies to include all the additional custom meta fields I add to the category user interfaces.  (I have at least 4 projects waiting on this … which means I should carve out the time and try to tackle it …)
  • Scaling bandwidth limits for Verizon Mifi mobile internet plans.  If Google can raise my total storage incrementally each day, why can’t my bandwidth limit also increase at such a rate?  (Oh wait, it’s quarterly earnings season … I know why now …)
  • Widespread 3G access across rural parts of midwest U.S. on Verizon’s network.  “Can you hear me now?” The classic Verizon ad would now be “can you download me now?”  And in many churches I travel to across Iowa and Minnesota, the answer is “well, give me a couple of hours, and those pictures will come down …”  Having 3G as a base speed would be nice.  I realize it’ll take some bandwidth upgrades for the remote cell towers … but seriously, my grandma in Fairfield, IA has fiber internet in her home.  Pick up the pace, you pseudo-monopolistic, great company!

On vacation

It is common today to locate one’s “true self” in one’s leisure choices.  Accordingly, good work is taken to be work that maximizes one’s means for pursuing these other activities, where life becomes meaningful.  The mortgage broker works hard all year, then he goes and climbs Mount Everest.  The exaggerated psychic content of his summer vacation sustains him through the fall, winter, and spring.  The Sherpas seem to understand their role in this drama as they discreetly facilitate his need for an unencumbered, solo confrontation with unyielding Reality.  There is a disconnect between his work life and his leisure life; in the one he accumulates money and in the other he accumulates psychic nourishment.

On the other hand, there are vocations that seem to offer a tighter connection between life and livelihood.  Can such coherence be traced to the nature of the work itself? …

“Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work – by Matthew B. Crawford

I’m off!

As I seem to only update this blog on vacations, I wanted to recap/foreshadow my experiences.

I just got back from officiating my cousin’s wedding in Sundance, Utah.  Not only was it scenic, but the couple (Jenny + Jake) are themselves exemplars of beauty.

Heidi and I are mid-trip for a fun week with friends in Portland, Maine. This is the second year in a row that we’ve taken this trip and it’s GREAT. While the “reds” in the tree leafs aren’t as vibrant as in the past, the friends and food are even better than we remembered (both here and on the way here …).

Here’re shots from the train:

On Pricing

I think we’ll always be willing to pay extra for the benefits we get from getting something first, getting it curated or getting it customized. But for most of what gets purchased in pop culture, none of those three are at work.  – Seth Godin

So about Santa Fe …

If you didn’t know, Arizona is pretty much on fire.

The week we were in Santa Fe wasn’t “horrible,” but it wasn’t the normal scenic lusciousness either. The crystal-clear mountains were murky. The air was cough-able.

Here’re the pictures from the first day of our trip:

Heidi and I didn’t realize how much the smoke was affecting us until we left. Then we found out George and April + family decided to leave after we did because of the air conditions. They went on an impromptu vacation to visit family out of state. Hopefully the weather was better there!

Here’s their family:

I convinced this antelope buck to leave the tree sprouts alone — with my bare hands!

Santa Fe is known for its chiles. (Red, Green, or Christmas). Spread over their enchiladas, I preferred Green — but I think that’s just because those were the specialty for the restaurants Heidi and I went to.

And “The French Pastry Shop and Creperie” in downtown Santa Fe was incredible. It made me miss the Medici Bakery in Hyde Park. Anyone who loves high-quality croissants or crepes should make this a priority.

As much as you can “have a blast” at ancient ruins, we really enjoyed Bandelier, Pecos and Chimayo.

Here’s Heidi and I at Bandelier — mid-day in full sunlight made my external flash essential!

And in perhaps the craziest sighting: at the Shiboni art center, I found a bronze Horned Frog. Made this TCU Alum proud:

Santa Fe Magic

Heidi and I stayed with friends for a week of vacation in Santa Fe, NM.

’twas awesome!

Natural Iconoclasm

This is definitely unfortunate (and yet, still funny!), but mother nature took a brand too literally during the last blizzard. Target’s sign never stood a chance …

What Happened Was …


People often ask me why I shaved my head. Age; ministry; style. :)

It’s kind of a joke, but I do think ministry caused me to lose much of my hair. Now, I was genetically pre-destined … but I was also an intern at an awesome congregation — and we had a busy, packed summer. Just sayin’!

Before (May 2005)

After (August 2005)