
So it’s Tuesday night and Heidi’s at a church board/finance meeting; it’s a work night for both of us.  While she’s crunching numbers with her volunteers, I’m procrastinating on some coding and graphic design.  I have two major projects I’m working on for this week — the new UpperMidwestCC website  and some hosted sites for  And while they’re pretty nice to do, I needed a break.

And how lucky could I be to get an e-mail from Mark Whitley!

Mark Whitley?  Who’s he, you ask?  Well, I was asking that too … until I read through his e-mail and it all started clicking.  Last summer, during the Disciples General Assembly in Indianapolis I met and photographed the artisan who made the communion table for the assembly.  He + his work are incredible.

Mark’s Portfolio


While the picture above is my favorite of that session, there’s another which is better at showing both the table and its context in the Assembly.  Check this out:


Check out the use of the negative space with the candles and how they lead the eye up to the next set of candles at the front of the worship space.  How cool is that?!?  The front candles’ reflection on the concrete exhibit hall floor train the eye.

I’m thankful to Mark for reminding me about these pictures (which will be used in his soon-to-be-released portfolio book!) and also for caring so much about his art and then using it for the Assembly’s worship.

It’s going to be difficult at the next Assembly since I can’t be the DisciplesWorld photographer (for those who don’t know, they recently closed …).  But don’t worry — now I’ll make sure to get more candids of attendees rather than mainly those on-stage.  It’s fitting for my photography to start coming in focus again …

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