Catch Up

Heidi and I have noticed recently that I can’t let myself “shut down” yet. I’m still on my inertia from my student work and I’ve taken on new paying projects since graduating. It’s thrilling, yet exhausting. I’m sure many of you who’ve known me over the past many years have seen this pattern in me before. I cram too much in, afraid I will miss out on some part of life.

Here’s what I’ve been up to since my last posting:

Shane and Tabitha’s Wedding
Doing photography for friends’ special events is a rare privilege. I knew it when Shane and Tabitha got married almost three weeks ago. Heidi and I joined them mid-afternoon for wedding pictures in the “El,” in Millennium Park, and for their ceremony.  I’m pretty sure all of that time totaled more than any of the rest of their family and friends got to spend with them alone on their special day.  It was a rare privilege and an honor.  Here are some of my favorite shots from that day:





And of course, I’d be in trouble if I didn’t post this picture of Paul Robeson Ford and Kevin Hoffman.  (Paul, after seeing it, said: “Frieberg, I want that blown up and shown at my funeral!”)  I think they were singing along to Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer.”


Anniversary pictures for Michael and Becca
A year ago Michael and Rebecca got married in Ohio.  Their wedding pictures had many complications, so this winter they booked me to take their first anniversary pictures.
I’d never been to Buckingham Fountain, before, but it was a lot of fun.  And the pictures with the post-sunset sky are good enough to pop out of the screen!




and with Becca spinning/dancing for fun at the end:


DisciplesWorld picture for Iglesia del Pueblo
I went out to Iglesia del Pueblo (website to come in the next six months, hopefully) to take a picture for this month’s issue of DisciplesWorld.  The editors asked the most diverse congregation I knew in the Chicago area — it was IDP, by far!  Not only in terms of race, age, or gender of leadership, but also in the many worldviews they bring as they worship together.  What a fun congregation.  (Picture to come, once it’s gone through the publishing cycle)!

Web design
These are unfortunately some projects which have details I can’t really discuss. They’re not public … yet. Some projects (like a video/Flash training system) will never be freely public.  Another site I’m working on will be finished and released by the end of August.

Planning my Ordination Service
I had no idea that this would be like another wedding.  When I wrote a paper during my first year of my MDiv on the Samaritan woman in John 4, and how everyone falls into this responsibility to do ministry, I used the ancient literary trope of Jesus approaching the woman looking for a bride.  Like the Church, the woman met him at the well, and had to go tell people afterwards how her life had changed.  I didn’t expect the metaphor to be so true in my life.  Planning for the service is lots and lots of details!  Thank goodness that I only have to do it once!  Oh, and thank goodness that my robe came with two days to spare!

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