UI changes

I updated my website’s User Interface (UI) over the past two days.  The wider interface allows me to post bigger pictures; but it also lets me organize my site so that it can serve as more than “just a blog.”  I’m eager to start forming the sections of Ministry and Photography, and to see how much of their content is cross-linked between the two sections.   The practice of labeling parts of my life in one category or the other may help define the relationship and enmeshment between the two categories and how I live them.

I’ve been super-busy recently.  Since I have my degree, I’m “a working man.”  :)  I’m doing freelance computer programming and website design.  I hope to post about these projects when they’re no longer hush-hush, but they’re certainly exciting.  I’m learning A LOT as I re-engage my computer programming past.  Much of the technology has changed, and I’m glad I learned how to learn so it’s not nearly as daunting.

Heidi and I are doing to a friend’s house in mid-state Illinois tomorrow to do an “Old Fashioned House Raising.”  In truth, we’re tearing down half of the house and at least putting on the new roof and floor.  It should be a good time.  Then, we’re hearing Garrison Kiellor tomorrow night.  On Sunday I’m driving to Iowa for Tiffany ‘Tiff’ Austin’s ordination at Bloomfield, IA.  I’ll finish Father’s Day at my parents’ house and then return to Bolingbrook on Monday afternoon.  This weekend will rock!

And, just to highlight the coolness of the UI change, I’m going to post a higher-resolution photo of an HDR exposure blend I took of the worship space of University Church in Chicago, IL.  Enjoy!


Oh, and Tabitha’s Ordination last week was a blast!

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