Gateway Drug

I have a problem with eggs.  I can’t eat them, when they’re in “egg form.”  So I can certainly eat French Toast, but can’t do omelets.  I have a gag reflex that kicks in and the eggs won’t go down.  I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember.  My family tells folk-loric tales (that are true) about my Grandma Pat trying to feed me eggs, thinking I’d outgrown my aversion to them.  It didn’t work.

Then, in 2003, Vy Nguyen, a college friend, convinced me to try Pad Thai.  It was SO good.  And then I noticed the little chunks of cooked eggs in it.  And it was still SO good.

DDH will occasionally do quiche Monday night dinners, and I’ll try whatever kind has the thickest crust.  But now Heidi and I are subscribed to a meat CSA — which means we get two-dozen eggs every month!  We’re now starting to make quiche as well.  Here’s a broccoli/mushroom one we made:


I think I’ve found my gateway drug to work myself up to full omelets!

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