Florence, Italy: Athens (The Flight)

Imagine a perfect airline. Imagine the perfect flight. List the qualities and that is what I experienced today. That is what airlines are supposed to be like. Aegean Air was perfect for my flight from Rome to Athens, Greece.

To begin, I was lucky enough to get an entire exit row to myself. For someone with really long legs, especially when flying internationally, this is a treasured benefit. When I first boarded I was afraid I would have to move since I don’t speak Greek (although my reading for ancient stuff isn’t terrible). Little did I know that language didn’t matter.

The flight attendants, all beautiful (and stereotypical Greeks), all spoke everything they said in Greek, Italian and English. Every time they said something, I picked up something in each of the languages. Words would pop out in the Greek, I’d understand the English, and then when they said it in Italian I could identify most of the words since I’d heard the English before. What shocked me is that I would respond to them in Italian – not English. I’m not sure it’s a good thing, but whenever they’d ask something, the Italian was what came out.

With the completely turbulence-free ride, they also gave us lunches. This was a two-hour flight mid-day and they gave us full lunches. First came the trays with cheeses, meats and a cold salad. Then came the steaming whole wheat rolls. It was amazing! Most airline meals are only so-so. The warm and soft rolls made this one great. Then, to top it off, the dessert was a piece of chocolate fudge cake probably 3″x3″ with white chocolate laced on top.

Landing in the nice Athens airport was also painless and the trip into Athens on the bus was simple. I’d only done a small amount of research into my trip before I left and they’ve made everything so easy (partially for the Olympics last year) that I’m not regretting it!

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