Florence, Italy: Second Technological Casualty

It happened; within 10 days I had my second technological casualty of my semester. This was much more serious, however. When I was getting onto the train from Venice to Florence I heard a crack and crash. I looked behind me and my camera had fallen out of my bag. I thought it was secure in my bag, but it definitely wasn’t.

For those who have seen me since I got the camera a little over a year ago, it’s almost always with me. Luckily, it seems this mishap only broke my lens that I had on it. When I picked it up, I noticed the slight abrasion (can I use that word since the camera doesn’t have skin?) on the lower right hand corner. Then I heard the lens. When I got inside the train I found a bag near my seat and took the lens cover off. The glass came raining out into the bag. From what I can tell, the glass is only from a UV filter I had on the lens. I was hopeful at first that the lens was saved, but when I took it off of my camera and tried rotating it to see if the zoom still worked, it wouldn’t budge. I put one of my other lenses on my camera and then tried rotating it some more. It moved this time, but not how it was supposed to — and I heard little crunches whenever I tried.

The good side to the story (if there is one) is that this is the cheapest lens I have and it wasn’t my nice wide-angle or my great telephoto-zoom one. I’ll have to see about whether I should order another one and have it shipped here or just to wait and get one when I get back to the states. Either way, my other two lenses should get me by for a while (there’s only the 35-75mm range that I missing).

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