
I just got back from giving Bill the latest template for the regional web site for the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest. I created the whole original regional website three years ago and updated it for my first semester at TCU. After that, however, I became too busy and taught Bill to update it. We finally decided that we needed to have a simpler design and trimmed-up web site.

When I was getting ready to go to Bill’s I had to scrape the ice off of my car. I’d come back when it was raining on Saturday and it had definitely frozen and built up until Monday. While I was scraping, I realized how thick it was. Before I’d even finished scraping a 4×4” section, my ice scraper snapped in half! The ice scraper had an 18” handle and a brush along the handle for getting rid of the ice and snow still on the car. It was a great one. Luckily Micah, one of Luke’s friends had a better one that let me finish the job.

We’re leaving tomorrow for Orlando. The forecasters are predicting that all the way from KC to Indiana (including north up to Iowa) are going to get ice and snow. Not only a little, but a lot! We’re supposed to get 10-14”. I hope that my friends in KS, MO, IA, and IL aren’t disadvantaged too much from it. Either way, I’m going to DisneyWorld early tomorrow! :)

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