Snow(y) day

The weather is horrendous and I didn’t even to attempt the drive to and from Hyde Park for my afternoon class. So I’m trying to make up for it with productivity at home, which at the moment means lots of reading. Heidi’s also home and in the mood to cook something …

Heidi: What about lentil soup?
Adam: I’ve never had a lentil soup I’ve liked and I’ve never had one of your homemade soups that I didn’t like!
Heidi: Ummm … there’s always the broccoli and cheese packets in the pantry if it turns out bad.

Life is good at the moment; busy, but good. I have three weeks left in my hospital chaplaincy and then it’s an intensive period of finishing the research for and writing my senior thesis. I’ll write another blog post once my hospital internship finishes, but until then, everyone please stay warm and safe! -A

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