Overheard during dinner

This weekend I joined Heidi and some of her parishioners at the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago’s annual Diocesan Convention. In the process I was recruited to take some pictures, so more to come on those. But tonight, Heidi and I are enjoying the quiet time with a oven-cooked deep dish pizza and a movie. Her sermon’s done and during dinner, here’s what happened:

A: “Can we watch Ocean’s Twelve?”
H: “Yes dear. But I think I need a transition from starving children and poverty to Brad Pitt and George Clooney.”
A: “Ummm, I’m not sure there’s much of a transition there, H!”
H: “I guess you’re right …”

Hopefully the classical music and cat escapades will help change the mood! -A

Sermon – FCC Downers Grove

 This morning I preached at First Christian Church in Downers Grove, IL.  Pastor Tanya, their minister, was gone for the IL/WI Disciples regional assembly.  I’d visited a month ago when I knew I’d be preaching today so I could get a feel for their worship style.  I was tempted to follow the pastor’s lead and pick a scripture reading based on the topic of choice … but I wasn’t that creative, so I picked the lectionary reading.

And I “lucked” out with Matthew 25:14-30.  The parable of the talents!  

I linked back to some of my favorite memories from Bosnia to tell an alternative parable.  (And a congregation member came up to me after the service and said, “I don’t see how those parables are parallel.”  I quickly pointed out that they’re not supposed to be.)

I’ve linked to the pictures that were on the projector screen behind me.  They’re on a service called Slideshare – which I’m going to start using for all of my presentation files to share.  The audio is also down below it.  The alternative parable starts at 12:12 (and the slides were in sync with it). 

I wasn’t THRILLED with my delivery or sermon content – but I was content with it.  Hopefully the Advanced Preaching seminar this spring will make me discontent.  

[slideshare id=758049&doc=fcc-downers-11-16-2008-1226867316574904-8&w=425]

Sermon Audio

Sunday’s Photos

On Sunday I woke up in the hospital (don’t worry, it was the end of my shift! – I wasn’t a patient).  Then I drove out to Lakeview, a neighborhood on the north side of Chicago.  St. Peter’s Episcopal church was celebrating the end of their multi-year capital campaign and also hosting an organ recital with their new instrument.  The music was great.  The liturgy was great.  The people were so welcoming.  

Check out the pictures!

From St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

2 Hours, one way

I’m tired of commuting!  Thursday afternoon’s commute, from Hyde Park to Bolingbrook, took 2 hours.  It’s 35.4 miles … sheesh!

On an good week, when there’s no traffic, and there aren’t extraneous meetings I have to attend in Hyde Park — on a good week I can get by with only driving 9.75 hours.  But when there’s traffic, or when there’s a busy CPE schedule, it can get closer to 14 hours a week.  And I definitely can’t stay connected with people by doing all this commuting.  My friends in Hyde Park lament how little they see me.  Heidi and I have to carve out time to sit together where her church schedule and my work/school schedules don’t fight. And I’m starting to take a professor’s advice seriously: I need to configure my laptop for voice commands and then I can type audibly as I drive.  (He claims it’s what got him through a long commuting schedule last summer when he was teaching at a different location).

I’m also dropping more out of shape than I expected.  Last year during my internship I gained 15 pounds.  Just think: what if I could use those 10 hours a week to work out instead of drive?  I’d feel amazing!

I’m SO eager for the time (foreseeably in June) when the commute will stop.

On another note, I learned a huge benefit of in-laws the other day.  I got out of a meeting a block away from Heidi’s parents’ house.  It was raining and I still had to walk a mile.  So I called Larry, who was home for lunch, and jogged over the block to get an umbrella!

