Healthy Snacks

I’m behind in my queue of blog entries (I even have the titles and pictures ready!), which means that this site will get updated more frequently in the coming week.

Heidi and my teaching pastor have been giving me a hard time about what counts as a “healthy snack.” It started at CHN when Rich Birch was getting the goldfish cracker snacks out for the kids before Godly Play (the pre-Sunday School activity time). The container was missing and there weren’t snacks. Luckily, the week before, I’d stocked a cupboard at CHN with my stash of Diet Pepsi and Baked Cheetos. So when Rich was needing a quick fix, I said “Hey, don’t worry, I have some healthy snacks in the cupboard. I have a bag of Baked Cheetos.”

Aimée immediately chided me, saying “Adam, cheetos ARE NOT healthy!”

“Why not? It has that green circle with a check mark that says Smart Choice on it!”

“Come on, Adam, it really means smarter choice …”

Heidi unfortunately agreed with Aimée on that one. Which is why, in January, Heidi introduced me to an incredible new snack at Trader Joe’s. For the first two bags I devoured, I couldn’t believe these things were real vegetables. They’re actual snap peas that are baked through and covered with a salty flavoring. Even though they’re veggies, they have the texture of crackers. That company is brilliant!

I’m on the look-out for more healthy snacks (besides the traditional salads/fruit options). If you have any recommendations, leave them in the comments on this blog entry!

Oh! And I included the picture above because I’m getting into the hands-on projects from Strobist (this one’s the DIY Macro Studio) . Here’s the setup shot with my two Speedlites; underneath the bag I had a glass pane my parents were going to throw out over Christmas break).


  1. joachimguanzon says:

    good lighting! I noticed the same double reflection effect when I first tried this myself. My buddy then told me that using clear glass as a reflective surface will generate dual reflections because both top and bottom surfaces of the glass are reflective.

    try spraypainting the bottom surface black or white and that will eliminate the dual reflection. 😀

  2. Bill Spangler-Dunning says:

    I want some Baked Snap Peas…

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